christmas is coming ! && april's chalet :D
Friday, December 11, 2009
Just came back from April's chalet on Thursday !
It was fun , but too much sleaze in it .
First night , me & effie & clara talked till 6 30 , then woke up at 7 50 .
Latest I ever slept . Besides not sleeping at all .
On thursday after the chalet , got a manicure , again .
Purple & black , gothic . Looks like that .

Used PhotoBooth to take the picture :)))
Then after the manicure , went to watch New Moon again !
Taylor Lautnerrrrr ! Haha , anyway , her godfather brought me & april to GV Gold Class .
Super posh larh ! I walked in , I was like , wtf - this looks damn expensive .
& it is , it's like $30 ? I think .
So it's christmas :)))
I remember last year Dana & Julia kept saying , have a merry christmas and a crappy new year ! Something like that , LOL .
Can you please be thick-skinned for 2 minutes & tell me what gift you want ??
Not too expensive though , budget of $10 per person .
Resuming my guitar lessons next Tuesday ! :D
Super excited , only that I slacked alot in the holidays , & know I suck at it again D:
Like my fingers hurt easily .
Basically , now my guitar skills are crap .
I have to learn stupid scales and all that finger plucking stupidity .
And you said you understand me . You don't know what hell I'm going through .
CharmaineWheee [!]