smile , please do .
Friday, March 5, 2010

Credited to Fidelia's blog (: - click if you want to take a look at her blog .
Isn't it so pretty ?
Had the last day of common test today .
The feeling was pretty awesome .
After school , Eugene Belinda Zareena Isabel Me went to Lot 1's Roof Garden .
Went to the WetPlay area , Belinda Zareena and Me got so extremely wet .
Eugene was pretty wet too .
A few other people also came , but they went to watch Alice In Wonderland at 2pm .
Got chased out the arcade because we were in school uniform . What an asshole that lady was .
Was a little late for Choir NDP Practice .
Danced and shouted .
Ended at 330pm instead of 6pm :P
Went back to Lot 1 with Belinda and Zi En .
Splurged in NTUC , went to Roof Garden . Eat & drink galore ! ^^
Had a awesome talk that made me a little sad inside . Sad for her that is .
Zi En wanted to confront the stupid NA girl that scolded Belinda . Haha (:
That NA idiot should have got it , if Belinda didn't stop Zi En >:/
When we were leaving , 2 malay guys had a little chat with us .
P.S. They sat extremely close to us , especially Zi En O:
" You guys so fast go home ah ? "
" Haha , yeah . "
"What's that ? You guys drinking is it ? Not scared later MABOK ah ? " - pointing to the bottle of cocktail worth $2.85 :P
" No la , won't MABOK . Cocktail only . Oh , do you think she's pretty ? (: " - pointing to Zi En .
" Uhmm , cute la (: "
" Haha , see ? We told you already ^^ , ! "
- We walk away , they keep staring , we drank the cocktail , threw the huge-ass bottle away , and headed to the library . Then went home . -
I took tons of pictures today , but my stupid dumbass computer can't detect my phone software , so no photos . Extremely sorry D:
CharmaineWheee [!]