Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Omg haha that's me when I was Primary 5.
I think I look weird, no?
(Fidessa, Abbygail, Me. The one behind is Matilda.)
Today, reached school a little earlier than usual. Although I purposely took freaking long to walk, but still got there early. Started abit on my Choir Reflection, then Zareena came. Got her to explain what happened last night in detail. Heart to heart talk, I guess. OH YEAH I SAW MY AUNT IN THE PAPERS TODAY. (flip to page 7 of Life! in today's paper, then the lady at the bottom part of the page is her - hehe.) Oh and the saddest thing is, no one in my family noticed her in the papers except me. I feel special but sad.
Lessons were okay I guess. Got picked out for Verbal something Test in History today. Don't really bother, but tons of pressure okay. Whole class depended on me whether or not to have IP. Luckily the post-it note that holds the answer was quickly pasted on my table, just read the answer off the paper! Haha. (:
Worked for around 3 hours at bbt shop today. Cool. Brother told me last night that I was going to have tuition first, so when I realised it was 520, I faster rushed back home. Then at that time, no taxi appeared siol. I was freaking pissed, my arm raise until pain already. Then end up reached home already, brother already came home and decided to have tuition first. -_____- Zz.
Shall blog again tomorrow, and also post a dumb picture of me - try to find. (: Haha.
Okay, bye!