iPhone usage for a day , but only a day .
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I'm super hyped right now .
Allowed to use my mom's iPhone for a day :O
Well , that's really actually just 10 hours , cause it's already 4 now .
But who cares ? I rule this thaanngg !
Hehe , i told you i'm hyper .
My mom's iPhone cover is red . Not sure what material it is , but it's kinda cool :P

The back !

And the front ! Everybody knows how it looks like , just wanted to take another photo of it :/
Now for the tag replies !
Very few , but whatever . My Cbox is not crazily alive , so tag moreeee !
Thank youuuu :D
>AngelChain(: : Relaxrelax . I don't think i can go . It's at night & my parents won't allow luhh D: You better find somebody else , tickets are selling out damn fast .
>April : Hahah , i'm happy that imma go to EOY too ! Totally okay now :D
>Akira: Yo , & i wanna go too ! Wait , to paramore's right ? But I can't . Sorryyy \: