one of my best works ever .
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Okay , i'm not gonna lie .
This newspaper cutting i did tonight has to be one of the best i did .
For all you boastful , great , mighty people out there .
Your newspaper cuttings might be better than me , whatever okay ?
Mine's about some weird house with a pink kitchen .
Thought it would be fun to write about .

The entire thing .
Heheh , cancelled . But it is nicely cancelled .
So colourful right ? ^^
I even wrote the day and date :O
Yes , i'm awesome .
one of my best works ever .
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Okay , i'm not gonna lie .
This newspaper cutting i did tonight has to be one of the best i did .
For all you boastful , great , mighty people out there .
Your newspaper cuttings might be better than me , whatever okay ?
Mine's about some weird house with a pink kitchen .
Thought it would be fun to write about .

The entire thing .
Heheh , cancelled . But it is nicely cancelled .
So colourful right ? ^^
I even wrote the day and date :O
Yes , i'm awesome .
So maybe it's me.
Charmaine Wee, Kranji Secondary School. 14 and counting, October18 every year!
I eat tons of chocolate when I'm stressed out, or when I just feel like it.
& I always burst my phone plan. What's new?
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