Friday, September 17, 2010

^ I really love this.
Hey readers! Blogger's working just fine today, so I could upload photos. Okay, so back to the post. Got to school, mugged on Chinese before the test for a while, then went for Chinese class after duty. The test was freakin' hard! I think I'm gonna fail it. Supposed to have PE afterwards, but lightning alert came, so we all just went back to class. Recess wasn't fun, without Magnus ): Come back to school soon, Magnus ! ): Maths was sucky, didn't finish my homework, left with one question. Handing it in on Monday ~
Here's one of the best parts of the day, MR IVAN WAS BACK FOR FOLKDANCE TODAY! Well, that is because Miss Yuki is sick, so he took over for a day. Screwed up, I wanted him to teach us again. He's a really (Y) teacher, and you know why ? 'Cause today I just found out, Ryan was his teacher. Amazing or not ? I was pretty shocked. After Folkdance lesson, few of us stayed back to talk to him, then left for classroom block. Hope Miss Yuki falls sick often then. :X (i didn't say that)
After school, some things happened, Zareena & I left afterwards. Bought MacD's at Lot 1, then trained back to my house. Dad was home :O Luckily he didn't say anything about twin coming over. Starting choosing names, and editing of our project. Then we took photos for a while (Y) Venus & Darrel came afterwards, met them at backdoor with twin. Talked for half-an-hour or so, they studied Chemistry while both of us, twins, were texting. Blushed like crazy again today. After they left, went back into the house. We had some dog encounters, and I'm talking about real dogs. Big sized ones, like the police kind, golden retrievers. I was flippin' scared.
I should go now. Lengthy post huh. Bye all (:
Shall post again tomorrow ~