Changed my blogskin (:
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hey stalkers. Am sick, so didn't go to school today. Kind of happy, because this way none of my classmates can hear my disgusting voice (: Found Dana online this morning, so I went to chat with her and decided to webcam with her. But end up, she cannot see me, I cannot see her. Feel free to click on the first screenshot to see how we failed. Lol.
Watched Camp Rock 2 while doing my coursework, then ended up dancing insanely to every song. I perspired like hell, haha. Ate lunch, and I'm going to swim later, probably gym also. Not sure yet. Depends on whether I would faint by then, haha. Continue on my coursework now, bye.
My cbox was flooded with so much crap, virus I think.
So I changed to Formspring.
Just treat it like a cbox, and tag as much as you want (:
Can ask questions if you want too. K, bye!
PS i love my new blogskin (: