Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010.
Omg hahaha, I forgot what exams I had. And what I did. Shall skip this day then.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010.
Had Biology exams, ended at 9am. Early anot omg, hahaha. Went to Nasyitah's house then helped their group do some props, like the painting and stuff. Gorged on Twisties' there heehee. Walked to Lot 1, random-ed way too much on the way. Wanted to bash Zareena, but only got both of us so we didn't in the end. Walked around aimlessly around Lot 1 for a while, then changed into PE and headed to Bishan.
Was super happy on the way there. Reached Junction 8 already, then went around to find The Face Shop, cannot find leh. So walked past Art Corner, decided to do Sand Art with twin (: Peeled stickers and poured sand, how fun. Then the guys came, freaked out then ran to toilet hmm. Came out, then long story. My attitude was just fucked upside down, no words to describe. Some parents these days super kp lor. Went around with the guys and twin, then slacked at Roof Garden and headed home. Didn't study at all. :( Was busy doing the trailer till 12.
But it was all worth it, coolness flows in my group \m/
We are just that awesome.
Thursday, 14 October 2010.
Did my Maths' Paper today, I find it pretty easy even though I didn't study for it at all. I think I'll do alright for this paper heehee. Try ah, did my best. Chiong the whole paper already, did all I can. I'm confident that I did my best.Went up to music room after Maths' exam for the Literature presentation, Aliff was damn funny. He ran all the way from Darryl's condo to school, no bus no car just by foot. He is super cute ^^v Hazique kept making him feel bad hahaha. It went well though, received compliments and such (: Heehee I'm blessed.
Super happy EOY's are done and over with. Meeting April tomorrow, heehee coolness \m/
Anyway, trailer is here! Enjoy! (: