I feel hopeless.
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi readers. Been feeling really depressed lately, not sure why though. Got to school today, did duty then went back to class. Joyce Ang was scolding like some crazy woman in the MRT, 'cause of the piggy case yesterday, sigh. Went back to class, had RCP, I finished it! Amazing or not. Then English just slackslack, Physics was alright. Skipped hall duty to accompany my sexy bitch, Lynette Yong (: She was this sweaty chicken that was hungry. Hungry men are angry men, so just let her eat. She gave me 2 pieces of her waffle, heehee.
Literature was fun & depressing. Joie & I complete heart-to-heart talk, seriously. Saw someone we didn't exactly want to see, talked about someone we didn't exactly want to talk about. Started on the Literature blog already anyway. Biology was just boring today, went through Osmosis & Diffusion, did some notes, then bell rang. Eugene is fugging horny, I swear :X CE was planning Innovation Day & arranging tables. Twin not going to school tomorrow, howhowhow :( I confirm damn depressed without her.
To everybody who is taking the Chinese paper tomorrow, do your best k!
I'm coming A's. Just wait there for me.
I feel hopeless.
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hi readers. Been feeling really depressed lately, not sure why though. Got to school today, did duty then went back to class. Joyce Ang was scolding like some crazy woman in the MRT, 'cause of the piggy case yesterday, sigh. Went back to class, had RCP, I finished it! Amazing or not. Then English just slackslack, Physics was alright. Skipped hall duty to accompany my sexy bitch, Lynette Yong (: She was this sweaty chicken that was hungry. Hungry men are angry men, so just let her eat. She gave me 2 pieces of her waffle, heehee.
Literature was fun & depressing. Joie & I complete heart-to-heart talk, seriously. Saw someone we didn't exactly want to see, talked about someone we didn't exactly want to talk about. Started on the Literature blog already anyway. Biology was just boring today, went through Osmosis & Diffusion, did some notes, then bell rang. Eugene is fugging horny, I swear :X CE was planning Innovation Day & arranging tables. Twin not going to school tomorrow, howhowhow :( I confirm damn depressed without her.
To everybody who is taking the Chinese paper tomorrow, do your best k!
I'm coming A's. Just wait there for me.
So maybe it's me.
Charmaine Wee, Kranji Secondary School. 14 and counting, October18 every year!
I eat tons of chocolate when I'm stressed out, or when I just feel like it.
& I always burst my phone plan. What's new?
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