Day out with the babes, (:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hey lovelies, went out to Vivo with babes on Saturday! Haven't met bestfriend for 6 months, it's just sad. Had a great day with them though (: Too many pictures, but I hope you see how much fun and love I had with them heehee, I miss them all so much.
We went for lunch first, then headed to the amphitheater and to Sakae Sushi for dinner ^^v Yes, those cool pink shades are mine thank you. And fyi I know my fringe that day was just messed up. (: Effie has so many unglam pictures, I love how she doesn't care but just have fun.

Hey babe, I don't have much to say about you. I call you at least once every 2 weeks please, you're so updated. Hahaha love you k !
Hey babe, I like how you are so unglam but is still so adorable (: You really don't know how much you make me smile. We might not be as close anymore, I'm glad we still are able to talk to each other. You rock my toes!
Hey bestfriend, ^^v . You are always so pretty no matter how your hair falls, coolness. \m/ We have really grown very distant from each other to the extent we don't know how to talk to each other anymore. That sucks. Hope that we can talk to each other more to get the barrier gone between us k ! Know that I still love you heehee. And, last long k (:
We might be crazy.
We might be unglam.
But that's just us.
Day out with the babes, (:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hey lovelies, went out to Vivo with babes on Saturday! Haven't met bestfriend for 6 months, it's just sad. Had a great day with them though (: Too many pictures, but I hope you see how much fun and love I had with them heehee, I miss them all so much.
We went for lunch first, then headed to the amphitheater and to Sakae Sushi for dinner ^^v Yes, those cool pink shades are mine thank you. And fyi I know my fringe that day was just messed up. (: Effie has so many unglam pictures, I love how she doesn't care but just have fun.

Hey babe, I don't have much to say about you. I call you at least once every 2 weeks please, you're so updated. Hahaha love you k !
Hey babe, I like how you are so unglam but is still so adorable (: You really don't know how much you make me smile. We might not be as close anymore, I'm glad we still are able to talk to each other. You rock my toes!
Hey bestfriend, ^^v . You are always so pretty no matter how your hair falls, coolness. \m/ We have really grown very distant from each other to the extent we don't know how to talk to each other anymore. That sucks. Hope that we can talk to each other more to get the barrier gone between us k ! Know that I still love you heehee. And, last long k (:
We might be crazy.
We might be unglam.
But that's just us.
So maybe it's me.
Charmaine Wee, Kranji Secondary School. 14 and counting, October18 every year!
I eat tons of chocolate when I'm stressed out, or when I just feel like it.
& I always burst my phone plan. What's new?
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