fever update & tag replies .
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
So ytd i was too weak to blog .
Yup , TOO WEAK .
I woke up at 4 am , my dad woke me up .
He told me my forehead was super hot .
I took my temperature , guess my temp .
Guess guess guess !
I was freakin 40.4 degrees .
Then it went like crazy rollercoaster luhh , like up down up down .
Became 38.4 , then went up to 39.3 , then 39.9 , 37.5 , then back to 40.5 :O
You can see why i couldn't blog ytd .
I bought this really cool thermometer , hehe ((:

It's like this thermometer that can measure your temp through your ear or infared .
If you keep the cap on , it's infared .
If you take the cap off , it's ear thermometer :))
Cool eh eh eh ? Hehe .
-Kunlan :
Haah , good for you !
-Chocolate :
Wait , you had // have dengue fever ?!?! & my fever ytd was 40.5 highest . I didn't exactly have the energy to even walk straight . I bumped into the toilet wall a few times , urgh .
-Guest :
Can you at least write your name first ? Thanks , passerby will do if you wish ((: And i'll be thick-skinned and take that as a compliment , so thank youu !
-Vanessa :
Hahah , lucky i trusted Fidessa's taste , otherwise i would have picked that pick bag that looked like poop . And i need you to show me how to get there on the first day . Like walk there ((: SMS me yeah ?