I need counselling.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you most likely know what happened to me last night. For those that don't, it's alright (: I just had a downside of my moodswings yesterday and it was just horrible omgggg. This post is completely for self-comfort, so it's okay if you don't care anyway (: Just click away alright.

Alright, bye lovelies (:
I need counselling.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you most likely know what happened to me last night. For those that don't, it's alright (: I just had a downside of my moodswings yesterday and it was just horrible omgggg. This post is completely for self-comfort, so it's okay if you don't care anyway (: Just click away alright.

Alright, bye lovelies (:
So maybe it's me.
Charmaine Wee, Kranji Secondary School. 14 and counting, October18 every year!
I eat tons of chocolate when I'm stressed out, or when I just feel like it.
& I always burst my phone plan. What's new?
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