Thursday, December 30, 2010
Woke up, ate breakfast, installed Kinect with the Xbox then went to get books from school. Dad dropped me off at Belinda's house afterwards, and slacked there till 1.35 then headed for lunch at Limbang. Had banmian, and headed back to Belinda's house. Watched videos till 3 and started doing Chinese homework till 530. Left her home, bought dinner and I ran home. Yes, ran.

Tomorrow's the last day of 2010. Gonna spend the night with church youths sleeping over at my house and counting down together.
But the year shouldn't have wishes unrealised even if they mean it's gonna give me bad answers. I don't know what to do. Everything just feels wrong, it all seems wrong. Oh and I don't think 2011 will be any better, it'll probably just be a worse off part 2 of everything that's happening now.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Woke up, ate breakfast, installed Kinect with the Xbox then went to get books from school. Dad dropped me off at Belinda's house afterwards, and slacked there till 1.35 then headed for lunch at Limbang. Had banmian, and headed back to Belinda's house. Watched videos till 3 and started doing Chinese homework till 530. Left her home, bought dinner and I ran home. Yes, ran.

Tomorrow's the last day of 2010. Gonna spend the night with church youths sleeping over at my house and counting down together.
But the year shouldn't have wishes unrealised even if they mean it's gonna give me bad answers. I don't know what to do. Everything just feels wrong, it all seems wrong. Oh and I don't think 2011 will be any better, it'll probably just be a worse off part 2 of everything that's happening now.
So maybe it's me.
Charmaine Wee, Kranji Secondary School. 14 and counting, October18 every year!
I eat tons of chocolate when I'm stressed out, or when I just feel like it.
& I always burst my phone plan. What's new?
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