Youth Camp 2010!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Hi lovelies, yeah I know. I haven't been blogging. But I just came back from church camp today & I got a few photos on hand so I'm posting them up first before I forget about this whole post. If my memory doesn't fail on me, I will post better quality photos when they're put up on Facebook.
(he's obviously never seen marshmallows before HAHAHA.)
We played
Angel & Mortal while we were there. And my angel was Berfont! Ok abit expected cos he was so obvious but it's alright hehe. We needed to get gifts for our mortals, and he got nail polish from Skin Food for me. Thanks
Caroline for helping him choose the colour heehee.
Oh, Caroline was my mortal btw (:

Hehe gonna go paint my nails right now, bye!
Youth Camp 2010!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Hi lovelies, yeah I know. I haven't been blogging. But I just came back from church camp today & I got a few photos on hand so I'm posting them up first before I forget about this whole post. If my memory doesn't fail on me, I will post better quality photos when they're put up on Facebook.
(he's obviously never seen marshmallows before HAHAHA.)
We played
Angel & Mortal while we were there. And my angel was Berfont! Ok abit expected cos he was so obvious but it's alright hehe. We needed to get gifts for our mortals, and he got nail polish from Skin Food for me. Thanks
Caroline for helping him choose the colour heehee.
Oh, Caroline was my mortal btw (:

Hehe gonna go paint my nails right now, bye!
So maybe it's me.
Charmaine Wee, Kranji Secondary School. 14 and counting, October18 every year!
I eat tons of chocolate when I'm stressed out, or when I just feel like it.
& I always burst my phone plan. What's new?
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